Tuesday 20 June 2017

Buying a condo unit

Frankly, I never thought that I would ever have an opportunity to live in a condo in this lifetime.

Owning landed or private property is never of my agenda in life. I come from a working class family and all my life i have resided in government housing flats. The space is good enough.

Friday 2 June 2017

Origins of this blog

The motivation of this blog is to function as a renovation/interior decoration mood board to visually map how each rooms should feel and look as well as to harness good inspirational ideas, build on them and finally, follow through on them.

So far all the links provided here, suggested furniture, furnishings, fixtures, accessories and brands are of my own preferences, choices  and research.

There is currently no paid sponsorship or collaboration yet, but any offers of that are very much welcome and appreciated.

I have another similar condensed version of this blog which shall be used for sharing with the contractors and Interior Designers for quotation and renovation purposes.

However, I will not be revealing the name of my new condo development because of certain personal privacy issues.

Henceforth I christened my new humble abode "Sanctuaire Bleu" which in French means Blue Sanctuary.

Sample Mood boards (Not done by me!)